Maggiacomo Insurance pictures

Auto Insurance

Maggiacomo Insurance offers auto insurance from the most reputable national and regional companies and personalizes coverage for your specific needs. We develop a coverage plan with the proper levels of coverage to safeguard you and your family from the possibility of lawsuits and awards resulting from an accident. While we always consider price when shopping from our numerous carriers, we also take into consideration service and claims response when advising our clients on the best coverage.

Maggiacomo’s auto policies include the following coverage:

Maggiacomo provides additional coverage, including:

How to lower you auto insurance rates

Too often we see that other companies are offering lower rates to consumers by lowering the levels of coverage. Since Maggiacomo works with many companies, we can provide you comparative rates and ensure that you are getting the same coverage. If you’re looking to lower your costs, you can change your deductible. You may be able to lower the cost of your auto insurance by almost 10% by raising your deductible, but keep in mind that you must be able to pay the deductible amount in the event of a claim. You can also look for discounts that you are entitled to such as multiple cars under the same policy, packaging a homeowners policy and auto policies together, and discounts available from different groups or associations.


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